About Me

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Our big family just grows so fast. Here is the newest, Aaron. We live in Vail, Az and have been in our home now almost 2 years. Kids are enjoying school and Kluv and Jenise still work our behinds off..."for gas and phone" (according to Karen). Life is good and I am loving life!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Just trying to keep up.

Well, still trying to figure all this blog thing out...with a mom who can do it, sister in law who's great at it....figured I'd give it a go. We stay so busy that I'm lucky to be on the computer for fun time every other week.

I am so proud of my kids and so happy to be living in this world today. My work keeps me busy and now I've got little Aaron to also watch over. He is a huge blessing for our family. He is now almost 3 monts old (where does the time go?).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good job! I knew you could do it.
Love, Mom